The long-term, environmentally responsible development of land use is one of the pressing tasks of the 21st century. Our landscapes need nuanced, sustainable usage management, rooted in the local context while maintaining a global perspective. Interdisciplinary specialists with practical skills are required to overcome the challenges this presents. There is a need for dedicated experts who are able to perceive and analyse the landscape as a whole, thereby ensuring the preservation of its functioning and sustainable usage. We have made this our mission and been pioneers in Germany since 1993 with our study programme which responds to these demands.
Programme structure
Over the course of the programme, students gain theoretical and practical knowledge relating to land use, nature conservation management and environmental education.
This covers, for example:
– Species knowledge of native flora and fauna
– Foundational knowledge in landscape formation, soil science, hydrology and climatology
– Skills to perform a comprehensive landscape analysis including conflict analysis as well as to develop concepts for landscape maintenance and remediation
– Basic knowledge of nature and resource conservation and their practical implementation
– Proficiency in working with maps, aerial images, databases and geographic information systems
– Basic knowledge of land use forms in agriculture, forestry, water utilisation and tourism
– Skills to apply environmental law, nature conservation law and administrative law including EIA law
– A foundation in spatial and landscape planning
– Basic knowledge of economics and business administration
Students have the option to deepen their knowledge of nature reserve management. Through a range of modules, students become better acquainted with the job profile of »Ranger«, gain competences which are required in everyday working life as a ranger and gather practical experience through the compulsory internship which can be done at a nature reserve either in Germany or abroad.
For a more detailed impression of some of the subjects studied in this programme, click on the links to view videos (in German) about the modules Agroforestry, Fieldwork, Cultural landscapes, Laboratory work and Zoology.
In addition, the Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation’s blog contains a wealth of information on topics such as studying and campus life as well as science and research:
Career opportunities
After graduating from the programme, students are qualified to work in environmental authorities, planning offices, consulting agencies and expert offices, or in environmental education either in Germany or abroad. It is advisable to complete an internship related to landscape use or environmental education before starting to study.
Interested in what Landscape Management and Nature Conservation alumni do after graduating? We have collected a few interesting examples.
Carolin Priefert
I finished studying Landscape Management and Nature Conservation in 2013. For me, the major advantages of the study programme were the wide-ranging insights into different topics areas – from foundations in agriculture and forestry, flora and fauna, legal questions in nature conservation, to questions relating to tourism and planning. Even if you specialise in one or more areas, this perspective and understanding of other interests is extremely important and should always be borne in mind.
I think it’s great that the HNEE identifies so strongly with the region and is always searching for contacts and opportunities for practical implementation and active participation. There are many activities to get involved with in the way that suits you best, both in and alongside the study programme.
After graduating, I worked in a planning office for a year before starting to work in the Uckermark-Schorfheide Association for Landscape Maintenance and in the German Association for Landscape Protection. A member of teaching staff was instrumental in helping me secure the job in the planning office, as I was invited to interview on the basis of their recommendation. I applied for the Association for Landscape Maintenance in the traditional manner by responding to a job advertisement. Before this, I had applied for another position with a similar remit.
The work in the Association for Landscape Maintenance is extremely diverse. My main tasks in our Uckermark-Schorfheide region range from the planning and implementation of projects in traditional landscape maintenance such as setting up and and maintaining meadow orchards, pollarding willows, maintaining wet meadows and dry grasslands and more, to practical species conservation, e.g. mapping and implementing protection measures for endangered bird species, and also managing project funding. Alongside this, I am working on a project with the German Association for Landscape Protection (DVL) in which we hope to implement further nature protection measures for moors in Brandenburg through consultation, networking and workshops.
The courses at the HNEE on moor soils and their management prepared me particularly well for this role. Even if every project is different and often much more diverse in practice, the subjects in the programme have equipped me with essential specialist knowledge on different ecosystems as well as the requirements of endangered species and biotopes (Project planning, Biotope mapping, Zoology/Plant Sciences). Particularly in the field of planning, it is your first contact to authorities and land owners and first insights into which factors are actually decisive for the implementation.
Alongside specialist knowledge on management, biotopes, cultural landscapes etc, it is also important to be aware of what challenges can arise when working in an organisation. Active involvement in an organisation, whether it is cultural, political, sport or nature protection, is a great opportunity to find out what is possible and which sources of financing there is, for example for your own projects. You can, of course, start small with your own ideas and try to do great things with different stakeholders. This is good preparation for working in larger projects later.”
Ninett Hirsch und Florian Grübler
Ninett and Florian share their experiences in the following video (German).
Bachelor's degree programme
Landscape Management and Nature Conservation
Bachelor of Science
Standard period of study
six semesters
Contact person
Dr. Jens Möller 03334 657-305
Read more
#Studying in Eberswalde
Thinking about studying in the fields of sustainable economics, tourism, wood engineering or nature conservation? Be it a Bachelor’s, Master’s, dual or part-time degree – sustainability-focused study programmes for the future await you at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development. Come to our open day and find out what you can study here, just a stone’s throw from Berlin! Our student advisory service is available to answer any questions you might have about our diverse and unique range of programmes. We look forward to seeing you there.